With the amount of use our sofas get, we know that we should clean them regularly – and we do! 

However, sofa cushions, on the other hand, tend to be forgotten – unless they have very obvious stains on them. 

In the same way, the upholstery on your sofa needs cleaning every couple of months, and so do your sofa cushions. 

Some cushions are removable, and others are not. Some are made of durable fabric, while others may be more delicate. No matter the type of cushion you have, we’ve compiled an easy-to-follow list to help you figure out how to wash your sofa cushions. 

How To Clean Sofa Cushions

Accidents tend to happen in the living room more often than they do anywhere else in the house. The good news is: the quicker you act, the less damage it will do to your cushions. 

Step 1: Answer The Important Questions

Before gathering up the tools you need, you must know some important details about your sofa cushions:

  1. If the covers are removable.
  2. If your sofa cushions can be washed by hand or machine
  3. If your sofa cushions are spot-clean only.

Step 2: Clean According To Your Cushion’s Fabric

Each type of fabric requires a different approach when handling stains and grime. 

Usually, cushion fabrics are made of:

  • Natural fabrics – Cotton, linen, silk, etc.
  • Natural materials – Leather, suede etc.
  • Synthetic fabrics – Polyester, microfiber, etc.

Check out the label on the cushion to find out the most appropriate method to clean them through letter tags.

For example:

  • S: Dry cleaning solvents (without water).
  • W: Water-based upholstery cleaner (no solvents).
  • WS: Water or mild dry cleaning solvents (Don’t remove cushion covers).
  • X: Vacuuming or light brushing only (no water or solvents).

Step 3: How To Handle The Most Common Stains And Grime

Red Wine And Coffee Stains

Throwing a party at home is always fun, but it also comes with the possibility of drinks and food being spilled on your sofa. The worst among these stains are ones caused by red wine or coffee. 

To remove red wine and coffee stains:

  1. Blot – don’t rub – the stain with clean paper towels.
  2. Scrub the stain using a clean sponge and a solution of warm water and salt.
  3. Sprinkle talcum powder over the area and allow it to sit for five minutes. Use an upholstery brush to spread the powder over the soiled area. Then add a small amount of vinegar over the stain and brush it off. (You can skip this part if you’re dealing with a coffee stain).
  4. Apply a small amount of mild, non-bleaching liquid detergent over the stained area, and clean it off with a sponge and lukewarm water.
  5. Finally, blot the area with a clean paper towel.

Pet Hair And Dander

Pet hair is notorious for getting stuck to any surface – especially furniture upholstery! Sometimes vacuuming or brushing simply isn’t enough. 

Here are some alternative ways to get rid of every last bit of pet fur:

  1. Put a clean rubber glove on and brush your hand over the cushions. The static caused by the fabric and the rubber helps pick up even the tiniest bit of fluff! 
  2. Use a damp sponge to ball up the hair and pick it off the cushion.
  3. Get professionals to perform a pressurised hot water extraction to remove any deeply embedded dirt or fur.

Accidents That Occur 

This part might sound icky, but it’s important to know how to clean them off sofa cushions. 

Be it pets, kids or even unwell adults – accidents are bound to happen. 

So here are a couple of ways to clean urine off your sofa cushions. 

  1. Use a clean cloth to soak up as much of the liquid as possible.
  2. Make a mixture of water and white vinegar in a 4:1 ratio, and apply it to the soiled area.
  3. Use another clean cloth to scrub the area.
  4. Spread baking soda over the spot and cover it with a cloth for 6 hours. Then use a vacuum cleaner to remove it. 
  5. Spray a fabric freshener on the cushion to battle any lingering foul odours.

To clean vomit off your sofa cushions, here’s what you can do:

  1. Take a spoon and remove as much vomit as possible. Do not rub into the fabric.
  2. Wipe the area with a wet cloth or sponge to remove any residue. Then blot with a dry towel.
  3. Sprinkle baking soda over the area, let it sit for a couple of hours, and then vacuum it off.
  4. If a stain persists, soak it with an enzyme cleaner and let it air dry. 

Alternative: Machine Washing Removable Covers

1. Remove the cushion’s cover. 

2. Spot treat any obvious stains.

  • Combine half a teaspoon of dye-free dish soap and warm water.
  • Froth the mixture to create suds. 
  • Dip an upholstery brush into the solution and gently run it across the fabric. 
  • Then, wipe the fabric with a clean, damp cloth. 
  • Allow the fabric to dry completely before using it or washing it in the machine.

3. Use a dye-free detergent to ensure the cushion’s colour does not bleed or transfer to other fabrics. 

4. Use cold water and wash on a delicate setting, and remember to close any buttons or zippers.

5. Air dry the cushion covers since dryers can make the cushion cover fade or shrink.

Do’s And Don’ts Of Cleaning Sofa Cushions

  • Don’t use coloured cleaning cloths, as the colour can transfer onto the cushions.
  • To tackle persistent stains, dab the area with club soda or baby wipes. 
  • Use a stain-guard spray to help prevent future stains.
  • If the spill has gone deep into the cushion’s foam, the good news is; you can usually wash the foam too!
  • Flip your sofa’s cushions regularly to help maintain their shape and to avoid dust settling into the fabric.

When to Call The Professionals

Sometimes it’s difficult to remove deep-set stains or grime using any at-home methods. In these situations, your best bet is to hire a professional cleaning service to come in and clean it all up!