Much like letters, books, knick-knacks, and so on piling up in your home, you might notice how the same thing happens in your workspace. 

The busier work gets, the more your office might start looking unorganised and chaotic. Especially in large cities like Auckland. 

A messy workspace looks really bad to clients or guests who visit. Moreover, it negatively impacts your employee’s productivity and outlook towards your company.

Plus, as an employer, you know that finding and training good talent is a huge investment. 

That said, here’s some good news! If you keep up with your daily office cleaning in Auckland and do the necessary work, you’ll be able to keep workplace productivity running high up in your office! 

1. Help Keep Your Employees Healthy!

You know how during flu season, it seems as though everyone calls in sick at the same time, and your office looks practically empty? Well, the reason for that is because your office might be a hotbed of bacteria and germs. 

Especially since the start of the pandemic, wiping and disinfecting surfaces has never been more important than it is today. Keeping up with your office cleaning in Auckland reduces the chances of your employees or even visitors from falling sick. 

It also reduces the chance of allergens from spreading as well as the transmission of harmful germs from person to person. This helps keep your office a healthy place to be. 

Here’s a quick checklist to help maintain office hygiene:

  • Go over your workplace protocols. If your employees are feeling unwell, they should take the day off to rest up before resuming their work. 
  • You could also offer them the opportunity to work from home if they need to. This will help them recuperate quicker and prevent any illnesses from transferring over to their coworkers and others in the office area. 
  • Ensure other employees wash their hands with soap and water as often as possible. 
  • Routinely wipe down desks, phones, keyboards and other equipment with disinfectant wipes to kill germs.
  • Place tissues, alcohol-based hand sanitiser, and disposable wipes in common areas to help ensure they are easily accessible to all employees. 
  • Ensure that all office washrooms are cleaned daily, with routine deep cleaning being completed too.
  • Keep pantry or kitchen areas clean, take the trash out often and clean refrigerators regularly.

2. Keep Your Office Clean & Organised

Keep things organised. Having essential tools and documents easily accessible to those who need them and maintaining general hygiene works wonders in redirecting employee focus. 

Take a walk through your office. Starting from the entrance, notice the areas that need attention and where you can do a better job of organising. 

Here are a few of the important areas you should pay attention to when doing your regular office cleaning in Auckland:

  • Wipe down high-touch surfaces, like doorknobs, light switches etc. 
  • Clean tabletops with disinfectants at the start of each day.
  • Make sure that any water dispenser units and food storage areas are routinely cleaned and treated for pests.
  • Keep up with all letters/ documents you receive in the mail. Ensure that it doesn’t clutter up your reception or mail room.
  • Vacuum daily and mop as needed. 

3. Get Rid Of Distractions

Aside from helping keep your employees physically healthy, it helps improve mental health too! Some people can quickly become anxious, stressed and burnt out in a messy environment. 

A better way to approach this would be to plan a meeting with your team. Check-in to see how you can help decrease interruptions and distractions affecting them. Be open to making changes if needed. 

In the meanwhile, encourage your team to keep their individual workstations well organised and clean. Regularly going through any documents they held onto for a while and shred the ones they do not need also helps. As for the rest of the office space, keep it free of clutter, label items in your pantry and generally do what needs to be done so your employees don’t need to ask someone or spend too much time looking for what they need. 

Along with these tasks, you should also undertake an office deep cleaning in Auckland to help clean out those tough and hard-to-reach areas. A professional office cleaning service in Auckland will be able to work with you to suit your needs and schedule and even provide you with a plan to help you keep your office in tip-top shape!

NexDo’s office cleaning service in Auckland provides a hassle-free, quick and professional experience. Our commercial cleaning service covers the following areas:

1. Cleaning of public and working spaces: 

  • Window sills, ledges and partitions. 
  • Woodwork, including frames, wooden materials, meeting tables and conference room furniture.
  • Electronics, computers and accessories.
  • High-touch areas like doors, handles, etc.
  • Cleaning and replacement of disposal bags inside the rubbish bins and trash cans.
  • Proper cleaning of all switches and wires.

2. Cleaning of the kitchen and dining areas.

  • Keeping the places where people make their coffee, heat their meals and eat lunch spotless.
  • Thorough cleaning of all kitchen fixtures, tabletops, sinks, etc.
  • Exterior cleaning of all office appliances.
  • Exterior and interior cleaning of microwaves.
  • Vacuum and mopping the floors with disinfectants.
  • Removing dirt, dust and grime from kitchen cabinets. particles.

3. Restroom cleaning.

  • Keeping the restrooms of your office clean and sparkling is extremely important.
  • Thorough cleaning of all toilets and completing the process using high-quality disinfectants. 
  • Cleaning and disinfecting all fixtures.
  • Emptying all rubbish bins and disposing of the trash bags appropriately.
  • Refilling dispensers in the restrooms.
  • Cleaning and wiping down all glass fixtures and mirrors in the restroom area. 

Remember: The better you maintain your office, the happier your employees and the higher the workplace productivity!