Getting a good night’s sleep is undoubtedly one of the most important things you can do to take good care of your mind and body. 

And a part of making sure you get some good quality shut-eye is by sleeping on a clean and healthy mattress and sheets to sleep on.

Of course, you can clean your mattress yourself, which you probably already do; getting a professional mattress cleaning in Auckland once in a while is a smart idea. Not only will it help you save time, but professional cleaning methods ensure that all the grime and bacteria from deep within your mattress fibres are removed. 

With that said, the next question on your mind is probably how much a mattress cleaning costs in Auckland. Well, before we get to that, first, it’s important to understand why mattress cleaning is required and how a professional cleaning crew will go about doing so.

Why Get A Professional Mattress Cleaning?

Professionals have the experience and knowledge to handle your mattress safely, such that most stains, marks, mites and bacteria are removed with no damage to your mattress. This ensures you get better quality sleep and protects your family against allergens and little critters, like dust mites and bed bugs!

In maintaining a regular cleaning schedule for your mattress, you will also be increasing its lifespan – by decreasing the chances of fibre damage and sagging. You will also ensure that your mattress smells great, too (after all, nobody will want to sleep on an uncomfortable, smelly mattress, right?).

For general cleaning, vacuum your mattress once a month to get rid of dust and debris. When it comes to deep cleaning, we recommend cleaning (and, in some instances, flipping your mattress) twice a year. 

How Does A Mattress Cleaning Work?

Most professional mattress cleaning services use hot water extraction as a method for deep cleaning a mattress. 

  • The service first begins with an inspection of the mattress. Afterwards, a special cleaning solution will be used to remove any surface-level stains and debris from your mattress. 
  • A hot water extraction machine will inject hot water and a pet and child-safe cleaning solution into the mattress’s fabric.
  • This mixture is removed using this hot water extraction machine, along with the dirt, grime, dead skin cells, mites, etc.

How To Prepare For Your Mattress Cleaning Appointment

In order to set yourself up for the best mattress cleaning possible, here’s what you can do prior to the arrival of the cleaning crew.

  • Schedule the mattress cleaning for as early in the day as possible. Your matress might be slightly damp and will need to air-dry completely before being used. 
  • Remove all bedding from your mattress. In fact, make this even more efficient and pop your bed linens into the wash while your mattress gets cleaned!
  • If the space in the bedroom is limited (hindering access to all sides of the mattress), locate an area in your house where the mattress can be moved and cleaned.

The Cost Of Mattress Cleaning In Auckland

The amount a service will charge depends on a variety of factors – and at times, the distance from the service provider’s location to your home. 

Factors Affecting The Cost Of A Mattress Cleaning

  • Size of the mattress.
  • The number of stains/ grime present on the mattress.
  • Which cleaning method is to be used on your mattress? This usually is determined by the material used in your mattress.
    • Steam cleaning.
    • Dry cleaning.
    • Hot water extraction etc.

Typically, mattress cleaning services in Auckland range from NZD 50 to NZD 150. 

When choosing your service provider, check out all the tasks they will complete while cleaning your mattress.

For instance, NexDo’s mattress cleaning service starts from NZD 60 and includes the following:

  • Professional vacuuming, 
  • Pre-spray detergent,
  • Brushing, 
  • Steam cleaning and, 
  • Stain removal.

We also advise our clients to let us know before the appointment if they have any special requests or concerns. This helps us bring exactly the kind of tools and solutions we need to whip your mattress back into shape. 

How To Maintain Your Mattress After A Professional Cleaning

You will want to maintain a clean state for as long as possible once your mattress has been properly cleaned. The better you maintain it, the lower the presence of bed bugs, mites and other nasties in your mattress. Here are a few ways that you can do so:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. This includes the schedule of rotating and flipping needed and specific cleaning instructions. 
  • Support your mattress with the right kind of foundation to prevent lumps from forming and the mattress from sagging.
  • Use a mattress protector to help prevent stains from food and beverage spills, sweat, and allergens. It’s best to wash the mattress protector as often as you wash your sheets (ideally once a week).
  • If possible, vacuum your mattress once every couple of weeks using the upholstery attachment. 
  • Every now and then, before putting new sheets on your bed, allow your mattress to breathe for a little while with the doors and windows of the room open. This helps remove any foul smells that are lingering on your mattress fibres. 

While hiring a professional mattress cleaning service in Auckland might seem costly, the amount you would need to spend to replace your mattress frequently is so much more. 

Aside from the obvious price, there are many factors to take into account that affect the overall pricing, including the amount of time you will save (and thus have available to complete other tasks) is more than you can imagine. Also, by hiring a professional mattress cleaning service in Auckland, you will not need to spend money on stockpiling different cleaning solutions and renting or purchasing specific cleaning machinery. 

Was that not enough to convince you? When you get your mattress cleaned professionally, you ensure that no damage will come to your mattress. That too, with a thorough cleaning. In this case, you will also be increasing the longevity of your mattress!