Sometimes, while we’re cleaning up around our home and completing our daily chores, we forget that the tools we use to clean – actually need a spot of cleaning themselves too! Take, for example, your washing machine. Here’s how to clean your washing machine – 

Cleaning Your Washing Machine

It’s hard to maintain it when you’re unsure how to clean your washing machine. You chuck your used clothes in there, and they come out clean – so your washing machine must be clean inside, too, right? That’s not entirely true…here’s what we mean.

Why You Should Clean Your Washing Machine

Every time you do your laundry, you load your washing machine with dirty clothes, used sheets, and even stained kitchen towels! This makes the inside of a washing machine a place where bacteria and germs can multiply rapidly. 

And it’s not just about the germs. As your washing machine cleans your clothing and linens, all that grime and dirt is sent out through the drain pipes.

Soap residue, broken clothing fibres, pet fur, hard water sediments, etc., can clog up the machines’ drains and make your washing machine less effective over time. 

This means you may end up spending a lot of money on fixing your washing machine or even buying a whole new one!

Types Of Washing Machines

There are two kinds of washing machines, front-load and top-load machines.

Front-Load Washing Machines

Front-load washing machines are very popular; after all, they consume less power and water. However, the most common complaint people tend to have with their front-load washing machines is that the drum and their clothes start to smell pretty funky.  

This is because less water is used, meaning there is less water to wash away the residue as well. This, in turn, causes a buildup of mould, bacteria and soap suds too. No wonder it smells odd, right?

Top-Load Washing Machines

When it comes to top-load washing machines, people tend to forget to leave the top open after a wash, leading to a damp environment and mould buildup. 

How Often You Should Clean Your Washing Machine

This one’s tricky. When and the frequency at which you clean your washing machine depends on how much you use it.

The easiest way to figure this out is to look at the manual with your machine. It will let you know your washing machine’s maintenance cycle and how best to care for it.

Otherwise, at a minimum, try cleaning your washing machine once a month and wiping it down every week to maintain a clean and hygienic environment.

How To Clean Your Washing Machine

Before we get started on how to clean a washing machine, first, gather the tools you’ll require.

You’ll need the following:

  •  Gloves (to protect your hands while cleaning)
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Cleaning solutions – available at most stores.

Don’t have any store-bought cleaning solutions on hand? 

No worries! You can use things you have around your home. 

Diluted Bleach

Bleach is perfect for disinfecting surfaces and truly works wonders. However, when used incorrectly or in large amounts, it can cause discolouration. 

How To Clean Your Washing Machine With Bleach

  • First, make sure the washing drum is entirely empty.
  • Take ¼ cup of bleach to one cup of water for a standard-sized washing machine and run a quick, 5-minute cycle. 
  • After your washing machine finishes its cleaning cycle, allow the bleach and water mixture to sit for a couple of minutes. This allows the bleach a little more time to break down residue and disinfect the cleaning drum.
  • Drain out the diluted bleach, wait for 15 minutes, and repeat. While waiting, wipe the exterior with some hot distilled water. 
  • Once done, run a cycle with clean water, drain, and you’re done. Your washing machine is ready to be used!

Baking Soda And Vinegar

If you aren’t a fan of using bleach or aren’t sure of its effect on your coloured clothing, skip the bleach and use vinegar and baking soda instead! 

How To Clean Your Washing Machine With Vinegar And Baking Soda

  • First, make sure the washing drum is completely empty.
  • For a standard-sized washing machine, simply mix equal parts baking soda with water and put this mixture into the detergent container. 
  • Pour about 2 cups of vinegar into the cleaning drum.
  • Start a washing cycle with hot water.
  • Once the cycle is over, repeat with a cycle of clean, hot water.
  • While you wait, wipe down the exterior of your washing machine with equal parts vinegar and water. 
  • When the second cycle completes, gently scrub any remaining residue out of your washing machine. 
  • Finally, use a clean, damp cloth to wipe everything down and allow your washing machine to air dry. Don’t worry; your clothes won’t smell of vinegar!

Short On Time?

Wondering how to clean your washing machine quickly? Well, here’s what you can do:

  • Replicate the process employed with the diluted bleach, and run a diluted vinegar cycle for 15 minutes. 

Important: Do not mix bleach with vinegar, as that creates a type of chlorine gas.

Additional Cleaning Tips 

  • When not in use, cover your machine to protect it from dust and dirt. 
  • Use only the amount of detergent and fabric softeners needed and not much more. Believe it or not, using too much detergent will cause more residue buildup in your washing machine.
  • Wipe down the rubber seal and drum after taking your clothes out because plenty of lint and dirt can get stuck there.
  • Don’t leave clothes lying in your washing machine for too long when they’re still very wet.
  • Keep the detergent and fabric softener drawer open between uses, so it dries properly.
  • Don’t forget to pay close attention to your washing machine’s drain for buildup.
  • Check the water filter (if you have issues with hard water).
  • For your dryer, check the dryer belt: When small items of clothing, like socks, for instance, get stuck, it leads to the clothing staying damp, causing a buildup of mildew.

Are you looking for more cleaning tips? Well, check this out right here!