Having a clean, hygienic bathroom is one of the most important things you can do for your family’s health. However, keeping your bathroom clean can be challenging, especially if you have a large family or share the bathroom with others. 

Use The Right Cleaning Products

Using the right cleaning products is essential for keeping your bathroom clean. Choose cleaning products specifically designed for bathrooms, as they are more effective at removing dirt and grime. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or bleach, which can damage surfaces and cause discolouration.

Here’s a list of the essentials you should have on hand:

  • Microfiber cloth
  • All-purpose spray
  • Multi-surface wipes
  • Toilet bowl cleaner
  • Extra hand towels

Organise Your Bathroom

Clutter can make it challenging to keep your bathroom clean, so it’s essential to keep it organised. Use storage solutions such as baskets, shelves, and cabinets to keep toiletries and cleaning supplies out of sight. Ensure everyone in the household knows where everything belongs, and encourage them to put things back after use.

Wash Your Sink

Rinsing your sink after each use sounds like a pointless task; it’s true. However, doing so helps remove any leftover toothpaste, soap scum, hair, dirt etc. 

If they aren’t rinsed out, these particles will dry out and become very hard to remove. 

Wipe Down Surfaces Regularly

Your bathroom sinks, vanity, and other surfaces see a lot of grime and dirt each day. To keep these areas clean, here’s what you can do daily:

  1. Keep a spray bottle of a mild disinfectant handy and wipe down all sinks, cabinet doors etc.
  2. Wipe your bathroom mirrors with a clean microfibre cloth – even if it looks clean.
  3. Use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to wipe away toothpaste splatters or water droplets before they dry up

Keep Your Toilet Clean

Believe us when we say the more often you clean, the easier this chore becomes!

Use a toilet cleaner, and brush to clean the inside of the bowl, and wipe down the outside of the toilet with a disinfectant. Remember to clean the toilet handle and seat regularly to prevent the spread of germs. And to ensure that your toilet bowl stays clean and disinfected, use an in-bowl freshener or disinfectant. 

Alternatively, you can use baking soda to deodorise your toilet bowl. 

  1. Simply sprinkle a couple of teaspoons into your bowl.
  2. Leave it overnight, and 
  3. Flush it away in the morning!

Clean Your Shower And Bathtub

The shower and bathtub are prone to soap scum and mildew buildup, which can be difficult to remove if left unchecked. Use a shower cleaner and a scrub brush to remove buildup, and wipe down the walls and floor of the shower and bathtub with a squeegee after each use. 

This will prevent the buildup of water spots and keep the surfaces looking clean.

When wet, the creases of your shower curtain stick together. If they remain stuck in this manner, mould and bacteria can grow in between these creases. So always keep your shower curtain open to allow it to dry out completely.

Use A Squeegee

Keep a squeegee in your bathroom to help move water into the drains from the walls and floors. 

Doing so helps move hair, dirt and soap suds towards the drain and allows the shower area to dry faster. 

This, in turn, will drastically reduce the chances of mould or mildew buildup. 

Dry Your Bathroom Towels

Wet towels create the perfect environment for bacteria to breed. So here are a few simple things you can do to keep your towels clean and hygienic:

  1. Hang your towels up after each use. If you don’t have a towel rack in your bathroom, hang them up on a line in the sunshine. 
  2. Use your dryer to get your towels dry in a jiffy. 

Keep Your Bathroom Well-Ventilated

A well-ventilated bathroom is essential for preventing moisture buildup, which can lead to mould and mildew growth. Ensure your bathroom has a vent fan, and use it after each shower or bath. 

Keep the bathroom door open to allow air to circulate, and consider using a dehumidifier if necessary.

Don’t Forget The Floors

The floors in your bathroom can quickly become dirty and grimy, so cleaning them regularly is essential. Use a mop or a steam cleaner to clean tile or vinyl floors, and vacuum or sweep hardwood or laminate floors. Make sure to clean up any spills or messes immediately to prevent stains or damage to the floors.

Stay On Top Of Maintenance Tasks

Regular maintenance tasks such as checking for leaks or replacing grout can prevent bigger problems down the line. Stay on top of these tasks to keep your bathroom functioning correctly and looking its best.

Also, remember to empty your bathroom trash regularly – depending on its usage. 

And if you happen to have guests staying over or just visitors frequently, you should take out the trash from the hallway and guest bathrooms daily. 

And at least once a month, clean your trash cans inside and out.

In Case You Forget

If you aren’t someone who wants to do these tasks every day, don’t worry, we have some tips for you! 

Bathroom Cleaning Tasks To Do Once A Week

  • Clean your toilet bowl thoroughly with a good quality cleaner.
  • Remove hair and dirt from shower drains.
  • Wipe down and disinfect your bathroom sink and other surfaces.

Bathroom Cleaning By The Professionals

Well, this tip works for everyone, actually. The best way to ensure your bathrooms are spotless is to get a deep cleaning done once a month. 

Professional services have the tools and know-how to remove hard water marks, grime and clean hard-to-reach areas.

Professional cleaning also sets you up for success in the future – since all you have to do is maintain their work until the next time they visit! 

A simple search online will show you the different services available in your area. Or, you can skip searching online and book our stellar bathroom deep cleaning services straight from our app!